British Values

Schools are required to provide spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. As part of this requirement, schools should actively promote British Values, focusing in the following areas:

  • Democracy: Encouraging pupil participation in decision-making processes through school councils, debates, and mock elections.
  • Rule of Law: Teaching the importance of laws, reasons behind them, and consequences of breaking them.
  • Individual Liberty: Supporting pupils in making informed choices in a safe environment.
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance: Promoting understanding and acceptance of different cultures, religions, and lifestyles through curriculum activities, assemblies, and community engagement.


By integrating these values into daily school life, students develop a well-rounded understanding of their role in a diverse society. The values are promoted across the curriculum and throughout the wider school enviroment. 

Please find below an overview of British Values and a guide for parents.

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