Our blogs
Coding in Y5/6, by Mrs Nolan
Greek food, by Mrs Nolan
Easter Chocolate Bingo, by Mrs Nolan
Year 1/2 Victorian Living, by Mrs Strickland
Fairtrade breakfast, by Mrs Appelbe
Fair trade breakfast, by Miss Montgomery
Year 1/2 Bog Babies, by Mrs Strickland
Bike Ability, by Mrs Nolan
Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Nolan
Ella wins prize in Blog4Books KS2 writing competition, by Mrs Nolan
World book day, by Miss Montgomery
Year 3/4 World Book Day - Author visit, by Mrs Strickland
World Book Day, by Mrs Appelbe
Which ball is the bounciest?, by Mrs Appelbe
Recycling materials, by Mrs Appelbe
Shrove Tuesday, by Miss Montgomery
Planting peas and beans , by Miss Montgomery
Come and Play, by Miss Montgomery
Year 3/4 Let it rain!, by Mrs Strickland
Year 3/4 Computing: Using the Makey Makeys, by Mrs Strickland
The day the fire engine came to school, by Mrs Strickland
Sorting materials, by Mrs Appelbe
Internet Safety Day, by Miss Montgomery
Year 1/2 Baking Bread, by Mrs Strickland
Sea creatures, by Miss Montgomery