Our blogs

Class Dojo Reward, by Miss Montgomery

Year 1/2 Bonfire Night poem, by Mrs Strickland

Sharing our stories, by Mrs Appelbe

The Good Samaritan, by Mrs Appelbe

Year 3/4 Computing: mazes, by Mrs Strickland

Maths Hunt, by Miss Montgomery

Light and Shadow, by Mrs Nolan

Buddy reading , by Miss Montgomery

Our Homes, by Miss Montgomery

The World, by Miss Montgomery

Story Maps, by Miss Montgomery

Hoctopizes, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 Computing, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 French Fruit Shop, by Mrs Strickland

Open Day, by Mrs Appelbe

Materials, by Mrs Appelbe

Playdough, by Miss Montgomery

PE and Yoga, by Miss Montgomery

Measuring, by Miss Montgomery

Salt dough faces, by Miss Montgomery

Handwiting, by Mrs Strickland

Year 1 Measuring, by Mrs Strickland