Our blogs
Year 3/4 Soil investigation, by Mrs Strickland
Rosie's Walk, by Miss Montgomery
Year 1/2 Reading to Reception, by Mrs Strickland
Sorting and classifying fruit, by Mrs Appelbe
Stick man , by Miss Montgomery
Year 1/2 2-D Shape work, by Mrs Strickland
Photography, by Miss Montgomery
Harvest Festival, by Miss Montgomery
Year 3/4 Rocks, by Mrs Strickland
Year 1/2 Art Day, by Mrs Strickland
Yoga, by Miss Montgomery
Year 3/4 rocks and soils , by Mrs Strickland
Year 1/2 measurement, by Mrs Strickland
Cup winners 16.9.6, by Mrs Strickland
Year 3/4 French Finger Rhymes, by Mrs Strickland
Sports Day in the infants, by Mrs Strickland
Year 3/4 Skeletons, by Mrs Strickland
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service visit Y5/6, by Mrs Nolan
Litter Pixies, by Mrs Wainwright
Seaside Day in the Infants, by Mrs Strickland
Year 3 and 4 flowers in art , by Mrs Wainwright
Year 1/2 Puppets, by Mrs Strickland
Year 3 and 4 Zoo Ranger Visit, by Mrs Wainwright
Reception - Fun outdoors, by Mrs Strickland
Infants Music - Noah built an ark, by Mrs Strickland