Year 3/4 week ending 16.3.18
Date: 17th Mar 2018 @ 3:31pm
The children are gaining confidence with their times tables; thank you for your support at home with helping them to learn and encourage quick recall of their 8 times tables. The children who are confident with their 4 times tables have been using the strategy of doubling to help with their 8 times tables e.g. 3x4=12 so 3x8=24 because double 12 is 24.
The Sound Collector by Roger McGough was used a stimulus for our own writing this week. Some children wrote a shared poem with Mrs McLean called 'the taste collector' after smelling and sampling different food such as chocloate and orange. My group created their own poems fincluding phrases such as e.g. 'the crisp, crunch of the Rice Crispies.'
In Science the children have made books about the function of parts of the plant and helped to set up an investigation into what seeds need to germinate and grow into healthy plants.
Enjoy your weekend.