Year 3 and 4 Spring Topics
Date: 31st Jan 2016 @ 4:27pm
Year 3 and 4 topic map Spring term 2016
Science |
Plants Living things and their environment |
Literacy |
Aesop’s fables Voyage and return stories Recounts Non chronological reports List poems and kennings poetic forms, river poems Voyage and return stories |
Maths |
Time, bar charts and pictograms, multiplication and division, fractions, place value and decimals, written addition, mental and written subtraction |
R.E. |
Caring for Creation, Easter - forgiveness |
Design and Technology |
Healthy snacks- link to fair trade produce |
Geography |
Rivers and Mountains |
Art |
Viewpoints Children explore how to convey the atmosphere and story of a dream |
Computing Development of scratch skills, instructions, bee-bots, introduction to blogging, creating class wiki pages |
Ongoing skills unit Singing songs with control and using the voice expressively. Listening, memory and movement
Mr Jones Invasion Games Dance work based on Rivers and Mountains