Year 2 week ending 14.9.18
Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 7:15pm
Year 2 have had a super first full week in school. Today, the children who wanted to be considered for our School Council told the class why they would make a good councillor. Some photos were posted on the twitter account earlier of their brilliant posters. I was impressed with all their efforts at home.
In Maths this week we have been working on place value, reading numbers in numerals and words and have started to understand that addition can be done in any order.
Our SPAG work in English focused on homophones, using the conjunctions and, but and or and using question marks correctly. The children are working hard to form their letters correctly and position them on the line, before we start to join our handwriting.
Other work has included: how to stay safe online and our Science investigation was 'do children with the biggest feet have the largest hands?' After measuring our hand spans and feet we discovered that the answer to this questions was yes.
Next week, spelling journals will be given out so please look out for these books coming home.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Strickland