Year 3 and 4 Blogging!
Date: 29th Jan 2016 @ 5:52pm
Well done to all of the year 3 and 4 pupils who have logged in to and are using the new pupil area of our website.
It is great to see you all adding to the class discussions and wiki pages. Blogging is certainly very popular too!
The pupil area is a closed section of the website that only the children in our school can see, it is a safe way to learn about using the internet and communicating online. However, it is important to remember some simple tips to help things run smoothly.
Just remember these simple rules:
Do not post anything without permission from your parents.
Be kind.
Treat others and their comments with respect.
Do not give out any personal information or details about yourself.
If something makes you feel worried then tell a grown up.
Remember all of the e-safety rules that we discussed in class.
Have fun! I am looking forward to reading all of your entries.